A podcast about all things horror.

Two nerds who consume a whole lot of horror discuss their favorite pieces of horror media… because this is a spooky world and we’re just thriving in it.

What do we mean by “horror media”? Think spooky movies and tv series, creepypastas, video games, novels, short stories, poetry, local legends, ghost stories… you get the idea. Whatever form it’s in, we’re consuming it and having chill but passionate conversations on why we think the media piece is really great - or really terrible - horror.

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Don’t be fooled. When she’s not creating aesthetic slow living content online, Sarah’s mind is always on the spook. From a child getting lost in Goosebumps and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, declaring a slasher as her favorite movie at age 11, and binging true crime to a point of worrying her mother, to an adult who hosts epic Halloween parties, exclusively reads/watches horror, and brought her husband along the ride, Sarah’s life revolves around horror and she’s not mad about it.

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Ian was introduced to horror with The Exorcist, giving credit for his love of spook to growing up in the 80s, when some of the greatest horror movies were created. As time went on, he watched his way through the decades of new, innovative, and unique takes on horror. Shifting from slashers and over-the-top bloodshed to refined, psychological, and insightful pieces, he continues to wonder about the world and how this genre is so reflective of reality.